
Barbara De La Cruz was born in Lugano, Switzerland on the 27th of August 1961.
After attending primary school in the County Ticino, she continued her education in the County of Vaud, where she started interacting with young girls her age coming from all over the world. This allowed her to experience foreign customs and traditions which would eventually help her during her travels.
She now lives in the southern part of Ticino, together with her two daughters.
She has been profoundly and viscerally fascinated by colors, ever since her childhood. They are an important part of her life and lead the path of her existence until today.
In her paintings, she always used colors in a spontaneous, instinctive way until the 1990s, when she started training in an artist’s workshop in Florence (Italy) and learning various pictorial techniques and some restauration principles.
After one year of living closely to the Arts, she came back to Switzerland and enthusiastically started working on commission, painting Trompe-l’Oeil and decorating murals for private homes. At the same time, she painted copies of famous painters, for her pleasure and for research.
During her pregnancy and the birth of her daughters, she experienced unusual perceptions of shapes and colors, invisible to her eyes until then, and she realized that she had to broaden her understanding of color perceived as a Subtle Energy, particularly in regards to the human energetic field.
A question arose in her mind: how could shapes and colors (that surround her) can act and affect the psyche and the physical body ?
Thus, a long personal search began, leading to the fascinating world of Quantum Physics and to the immensity of the Universe. She transferred her intuitions on canvas with the serie "Research of Space" and "Macrocosmos". In her research on the structure and the memory of water, she created paintings such as: "Cells", "Microcosmos", "Structure" and "Foam".
A long and painful period triggered more intimate emotions that she translated through paintings such as "Vulnerable"; this profound interior change lead her to paint the serie "Interior Alchemy" and "Vibrations".
Finally, this research led her to music. In 2007, she bought an old violin, she repaired it and attended music lessons, opening her up to new sensory perceptions.
Along this path, her body and her soul went through a profound mutation.
She tried new materials and new colors. Wanting to create three dimensional paintings, she elaborated the idea of adding LED lights to her paintings, "Synaptic R evolution" and "Jellyfish".
Nature is the ultimate muse and a great inspiration for her.
With magnifying glasses, her eyes examine the infinitely small and the immensity of creation. She explores the micro and the macro cosmos, in order to find the sacredness, the beauty and the divine essence of the Human Being.

"Color, above all, maybe more than the drawing, is a liberation."

Henry Matisse

Via San Martin 6 | 6835 Morbio Superiore (Switzerland)  | Mob. +41 (0)76 503 62 39

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